Health and Safety
Safeguarding Children
At Hassocks Infant School we place a strong emphasis on both safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We are committed to working in partnership with all parents to ensure that all children are happy, confident and safe.
All of our staff receive regular training and safeguarding updates and we work closely with West Sussex County Council to provide support for children and families. Our team of designated safeguarding leads can be contacted if you need to share a concern about a child:
Designated safeguarding lead: Kamilya Stedman, Deputy Headteacher
Deputy designated safeguarding leads: Adrian Bates-Holland, Headteacher and Sara Nash, SENCO.
If you need to speak to a member of the safeguarding team, please contact them via the school office.
For further information about Safeguarding at Hassocks Infant School please click here.
Change of address
When your child enters the school you are asked to fill in a simple, confidential form for our records, including contact details in case of any emergency. Please notify us immediately of any changes of address, contact numbers or circumstances. Changes in emergency contact numbers are often neglected.
Accidents, illness and medicines in school
Trained teaching assistants or teaching staff deal with minor injuries and first aid. If a child is unwell at school we will contact you or your emergency contact. In the event of a more serious accident or illness occurring and the school being unable to contact you, we will make arrangements for your child to be accompanied by a member of staff to hospital if we consider it necessary.
Under no circumstance should a child bring in any kind of medicine including cough sweets to school. In rare cases, where it is necessary for children to be given medication during school hours, a parent or guardian must bring the medicine to the office and complete a form authorising a member of staff to administer the medicine. Inhalers and epi-pens should be brought to the office and a form completed, then they are kept in the relevant child's classroom.
School health service
On occasions the school nurse carries out health care interviews or sight and hearing tests at the school.
Wearing of jewellery
Local authority guidance requires that all jewellery, including watches are removed for physical education because of the danger of injury to the wearer and/or other children in the class. We ask parents not to send children to school wearing jewellery, as we are not able to take responsibility for items of jewellery when they are removed for physical education. This also includes ear studs, which teachers should not remove or replace. If you wish your child to wear any form of jewellery please contact the Headteacher. We also ask for your co-operation in ensuring that long hair is tied back for school.
Dogs in the school grounds
Due to health and safety regulations, dogs must be carried on the school grounds.