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The governing body is made up of volunteers who have statutory responsibilities under education legislation.  The Governing Body includes parents, staff, members of the local community and those who are appointed directly by the local authority.  As the governing body, we work in partnership with the senior leadership team in the strategic planning of the school with the ultimate aim of maintaining high standards in every year group.  We all aim to improve the existing solid foundations of good work to develop a school which the whole community can feel proud of.

We endeavour to ensure that the children receive a broad and balanced education.  We work together to ensure that every child has the opportunity to progress and develop as an individual, and that systems are in place to give extra help when this is required.  We hope that this will give the children the confidence and skills they need when they move on to the next stage of school life at Junior School.

We meet as a full Governing Body once every half-term and operate with four committees. Our Co-Chairs are Mrs Jenny Doyle and Mr Michael Stansfield and our Vice-Chair is Mrs Felicity Starkey.

Please contact us via the school office if you would like any more information.