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Writing Curriculum Overview

Early writing skills are an exciting journey of discovery for young children, starting with the joy of mark making—those first scribbles and shapes that spark the magic of storytelling. As they explore phonics, they unlock the secret code of sounds and letters, turning their ideas into words. Handwriting practice becomes a fun challenge, as they master the art of forming letters, creating words that come to life on the page. Alongside these skills, their creativity blossoms as they craft imaginative stories, fact files and poems, all about the world around them. By the end of Year 2, children aren’t just learning to write—they're becoming storytellers, poets, and budding authors who can express their thoughts and emotions across different genres, sharing their unique voices with joy and pride.

Our writing curriculum helps map some of the skills needed to become a proficient writer, returning to key objectives and ensuring the key national curriculum content for literacy is embedded. We use a range of diverse, rich texts to support our writing and to help children learn from high-quality authors.