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We Are Artists! 

At Hassocks Infants, our Art curriculum is designed to make art a wonderful part of early childhood education.  We want to give our children experiences and opportunities to develop their skills and ideas, so they can be creative and express themselves through their artwork. When children engage in art, it boosts their emotional well-being; it can be joyful, playful and inclusive. Art activities help develop fine motor skills, enhance cognitive abilities, and encourage problem-solving and critical thinking.  We learn about artists who demonstrate that art is not always about perfection, and how inspiration is taken from the world around us.  Our curriculum supports the overall growth and development of each child and gives them the opportunity to be artists!

Our Approach: 

Our curriculum is taught around three key areas, with a central focus in all on exploration and enjoyment.  Whilst we value the 'final 'product' of children's endeavours, we strongly encourage children to spend time exploring different processes, developing their skills and knowledge and recognising how Art can make us feel. 

Our three themes across all year groups are: 

Drawing: Using a range of media to explore and create with such as pencils, charcoals, inks, chalks and pastels. 

Colour: Exploring how colour plays a role in Art, using paints, printing, ink dye, pencils and collage. 

Form: Exploring 2D and 3D form such as sculpture, modelling, materials and fabrics.   

Each year group will learn about different artists, looking at their styles and inspirations.  

Teaching Tools:

In our art curriculum, we engage children using key questions that serve as focal points to start their learning journey and to revisit throughout. This approach ensures that the curriculum flows seamlessly between reception and KS1, building on prior knowledge, skills, and understanding in each year group.

Artists: Each year, children explore the works of one or more artists, gaining insight into the diverse ways art can be created and appreciated.

Exploration: Exploration is a key component of our curriculum, providing children with opportunities to freely experiment with the techniques and skills they are taught.

Art Journals: Encouraging children to keep art journals where they can sketch, play and reflect on their learning helps them track their progress and develop a deeper connection with their creative process.  These journals are introduced in Year 1 and progress with the children into year 2. 

Purpose: Our teaching aims to give children an understanding that art can be something to partake in simply for pleasure, or to create something for others to enjoy, or to express themselves. 


Supporting All Children:

Our Art curriculum is designed to ensure all students can participate and express their creativity. Adaptations to materials and tools, such as using larger brushes or textured grips, make it easier for children with fine motor challenges to engage in art activities. The curriculum often includes abstract art projects, allowing students to explore and create without the pressure of always achieving a specific outcome. Emphasising the artistic process over the final product encourages experimentation and personal expression, fostering a supportive environment where every child's effort is valued. This approach helps build confidence and ensures that art is accessible and enjoyable for all our children. 


Assessment in Art involves a holistic approach that values both the creative process and the final artwork. We listen to children's comments about their own work and the work of their peers, gaining insights into their understanding and appreciation of art. Observing students' skill levels in concepts and practices such as line, detail, and collage helps educators identify areas of strength and areas needing further development. This ongoing, formative assessment ensures that each child's artistic journey is supported and celebrated, fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.

Above and Beyond:

As part of our curriculum, all children will have the opportunity to display their work during our school's 'Open House' event, which occurs every three years.

Additionally, all children will have the chance to meet a local artist; learning about their career and the techniques they use to create their art.

We also participate in a local event called 'Light Up Hassocks' every November. Each year, children and their families are invited to join us for a lantern-making event and then bring their lanterns to the 'Light Up Hassocks' parade.  


Our curriculum aims to give children examples of artists and their works from around the world.  The children will find out about how these artists took inspiration from the world around them.  Art is another way to introduce children to the wider world, and the wonders it has to offer.